Shipping Methods
In all cases of shipment, the delivery time provided is calculated from the day of payment of the order, except in cases of cash on delivery.
Pick up from stores
The company provides the customer with the possibility of receiving the products sold through the online store, when they are available, from the store at 10o km of Thessaloniki-Perea or at the store Vasilissis Olgas 228-230 and Aigaiou, depending on which one the customer choose.
For pick up from store the buyer can come to the listed store hours and pick up the products of the order, unless previously informed by the telephone from the delivery department of our company for non-availability of the products.
The collection service from the store is available free of charge.
Delivery in shipping of your choice
Our company provides the possibility to the customer to choose the transport with which the order will be transferred. In this case, the buyer should first contact us and let us know. Also, with the delivery by shipping on customer choice, it automatically means that the customer assumes the shipping costs that will be set by the respective shipping company and the charge provided for delivery to the shipping company by the delivery department of your company.
In this case the customers takes over the responsibility for the safety of the products and our company does not bear any responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur during transport.
Transportation Company
With this option the order is sent with the cooperating transport company. The cost of this option includes the transfer of the order to the delivery address that has been declared. This applies only to the capitals of all the prefectures and islands of Greece, or areas covered by transport. If the delivery address is outside the capital, then the buyer will have to go to the transport agency to pick up the order himself.
In this case, our company takes the responsibility for the safety of the products for any loss or damage that may occur during transport, so if any loss or damage is found you must report it to us within 24 hours.
With this option your order is sent to the delivery address with the cooperating courier company and the system will automatically charge you the shipping cost.
In this case our company takes the responsibility for the safety of the products for any loss or damage that may occur during transport, so if any loss or damage is found you must report it to us within 24 hours.